Sleeping at Work
Over the next couple of weeks, Phoebe will be going to work with me if Michelle has to work, so she doesn’t have to stay at home alone. Today was our first trial run. She did great. I made her a bed in my office and she enjoyed many necessary therapeutic naps. My associates had a ball checking in on her when I left the office to go somewhere on site plus she enjoyed all of the attention. Phoebe, like most dogs (heck or people) prefers not being by herself. I am confident her healing will go much smoother if she can heal with as much positive energy around her as possible.
I am very thankful to have a job where I have a nice big office where she can rest, I can keep an eye on her, and she doesn’t have to heal alone. I am also thankful to have such a terrific tripawd cocker spaniel. She is a very brave little trooper. We are very proud of her!
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Oh Phoebe, what a lucky girl you are!
We agree, having nothing but positivity and good people around you during this time makes all the difference in the world. Enjoy getting spoiled rotten at the office!